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Aug 7, 2016

Stress Management Visualization

This month’s theme is Stress Management and you can get the free worksheet at

Today's episode ties in the last two episodes:  episode 83 on Stress Management Strategies and episode 84 on What are your Stressors?

If you're looking for the vershion that has music, go to

Please note:  today's episode requires the mental and emotional resources to look at your stressors.  I strongly recommend ensuring you are in a good time, place and space for this.

This guided visualization walks you through applying your stress management strategies before, during and after experiencing a stressor in your life.

5 Tips for this episode

  1.  Continue your deep breathing throughout the 20 minute episode
  2.  Stop at anytime if you feel overwhelmed and practice an alternate form of self-care
  3.  Pause at anytime if you're not quite ready for the next part
  4.  Utilize this episode for empowering yourself
  5.  Utilize this episode for disempowering the stressor

Please note:  next month's worksheet is the Self-Care Worksheet.  In your answers for the Stress Management Worksheet, think intervention meaning what to do when stress happens.  Save your prevention strategies for the Self-Care Worksheet.


The sister episode to this one is Episode 88 Guided Visualization With Music - Stress Management


Want More Episodes Like this One?

Episode 282 A Sense of Control When Things Feel Out of Control

Episode 280 Healthy Escapes During Trying Times

Episode 276 Feeling Overworked

Episode 195 Getting Out of a Bad Mood

Episode 185 Patient with the Process

Episode 153 Dealing With It

Episode 149 Feeling Triggered

Episode 123 When You’re About to Freak Out and Lose It