Jan 20, 2025
For premium access, sign up at AffirmationPodPremium.com
Then on the app and go to the Menu > Settings > Premium Sign In
Enter the email and password your signed up with at AffirmationPodPremium.com and that will unlock the premium and bonus episodes!
You can manage your app account at AffirmationPod.com/login
Already a premium access member through Supercast?
Supercast will unlock premium access on podcast listening apps like Apple Podcasts, Spotify etc, but unfortunately it won't unlock it on the Affirmation Pod app. The app is a separate system (like how Netflix and Amazon are different). I wish I could have the platforms connect, but it's just not possible right now.
That said, I know it's confusing since some want premium on systems like Supercast and others prefer the app. How about I give you a three month free trial on the app and you can compare? Just use promo code BEST23 to set that up at AffirmationPodPremium.com
After that, you can login to manage your app account at AffirmationPod.com/login
Note: to use promo code BEST23 you need to sign up with an email address that you haven't used on the app before. AffirmationPodPremium.com
If you run into any app issues, please email consumer@libsynsupport.com
Thanks for listening to Affirmation Pod!!
Subscribe today at AffirmationPodPremium.com