Feb 12, 2015
As I embark on a new role as momma…
I take a deep breath and I smile. A warm feeling fills me as I think of the amazing miracle forming inside my body. It’s so exciting to know that a new life is growing inside me.
I am having fun with my pregnancy. I enjoy each week. I savor each milestone. My baby is so special to me and so is my body.
All the parts of my body are working together in harmony for a healthy, smooth and happy pregnancy.
My body is a relaxed and a warm home for my growing baby. My body is a loving, safe home for my growing bundle of joy.
My womb is functioning optimally. My baby is receiving all the nourishment and nurturance that it needs.
The foods I eat are nourishing my child’s body. I crave nutritious foods and I enjoy every meal that I share with my baby.
I am forming plenty of milk for my baby and I appreciate all the work from my breasts.
I take deep breaths and feel the presence of my baby inside my body. I caress my tummy and sense my baby enjoying this time inside my womb. I feel connected to my baby and my baby feels connected to me. My baby knows the love I have and is feeling this inside its entire body.
My womb is full of love. My uterus is full of life-giving energy. My baby is safe and forming perfectly. My baby is developing into a strong, happy and secure person.
I speak loving words to my child and I speak loving words to myself. As I care for myself well, I care for my baby well. I share affirming, warm and loving words with my baby.
I am attentive to this experience. I am committed to optimal nutrition, exercise and rest. This is a great time. This is a miraculous experience. I’m excited to become a mom.
Affirmations by Josie Ong
The sister episode to this one is Episode 270 Affirmations for Fertility
Episode 278 Leaning Into Your Heart
Episode 227 Affirmations for Self-Love
Episode 206 Moving From Self Doubt to Self Confidence
Episode 203 Affirmations for Success
Episode 197 Your Good Morning Coach
Episode 159 Motivation for a New Beginning
Episode 148 I Am Enough
Episode 147 Overthinking
Episode 139 Receiving Love
Episode 108 Relax Into Sleep
Episode 40 I Can Do This