Dec 27, 2024
Want to ace your exams?
Here's the premium (with music) version of podcast episode
“Studying for Exams" with no ads and no announcements.
Thanks for being a premium access member!
Jul 31, 2023
For those who play the Affirmation Pod classic "I am Intelligent and Capable" on repeat, here is the one hour version for you!
Here's the premium BONUS episode “I am Intelligent and Capable
(With Music) One Hour Version”
Thank you for being a premium access member!
May 12, 2020
My daughter is working on her own podcast! Press play to hear Lori's first episode "I'm a Great Kid from Affirmation Kids Pod"
We're also looking for feedback on what topics you'd like affirmations for. If you have young kids in your world, go to to share your thoughts on what you'd like to hear...
Jan 18, 2020
Here's the premium version of podcast episode “Preparing to Study for an Exam (With Music)” with no ads and no announcements.