Dec 31, 2015
Here's “045 Thirty Seconds After Your Workout.” You can search "Fitness and Positive Body Image” for more episodes in this category.
Dec 29, 2015
Can you feel the buzz of 2016?
Before we step into the new year, I want to take time to reflect on 2015 and honor the things I am grateful for.
Dec 29, 2015
Thanks Cindy and Asmâa for suggesting this topic!
This is my time to focus on a Technology Life Balance
I reflect on what times of day I’m vulnerable to wasting time in technology
I recognize my weaknesses when it comes to technology
I address where I’m not happy with my...
Dec 28, 2015
Here's “Technology Life Balance (With Music).” Search "Time Management Premium” for more premium episodes in this category.
Dec 27, 2015
Thanks Ash for requesting an episode on Changing Habits!
2016 is upon us and it's a great time to stop old habits and start new ones. Actually, anytime is a great time to change habits but the trick is to make the new habit stick.
Today, I share my 6 Steps for Making Changes and...